Week 14 - Future Speculation

Future Speculation (In-Class Writing)

I want to go into visual development for game art, and over the next 50 years or so I think there will definitely be more use of new technology like virtual reality to create drawings in VR (that will be what we think of as 2D drawings but in a 3D space) to create concept art and visualization work that comes much closer to representing what the finished, 3D-modeled environment or character or prop, etc, would look like in the game. There are a lot of other fields that would benefit from drawing in VR too, like architecture and interior design.
A sketch in VR by Jama Jurabaev

For my personal life, I can see myself being connected online a lot more to friends, family and people in my industry. I'm not a big Facebook or social media person as it is now, but it seems like I will need to be in the future.  I think this constant connectivity and the expectations of fast communication between everyone will continue to be more stressful like it is getting today, and that myself and others will have to find ways to get away and decompress.

I think my 70 year-old self would tell myself now to prepare for the future by keeping up with technology in my industry as much as I can, because it's so easy to get behind in industry-standard tools and then suddenly lose jobs to younger people. I also think my older self would tell me to be careful of what today is an increasingly emerging culture of ultra-short attention spans, and continue to read books, history, and news thoroughly instead of relying on fast and short popular media articles.


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